Team Fitness is a premier fitness program in the Menlo Park and Los Altos communities. For 30 years we have helped hundreds of members build strength, increase endurance, improve speed and agility, lose weight, and have fun doing it.
Our mission: To create healthy habits and enrichment through exercise and community.
Fitness doesn’t have to be a summit excursion.
We are a team of coaches dedicated to the joy of fitness and sport who delight in helping others through our unique program. Using our triad for success, Fun, Variety, and Camaraderie, each workout is designed so the beginner as well as the more advanced athlete can engage and improve safely but rapidly. To help you get started and to prove our point, come try our program for Free. No contracts, no sales pitch, no sign ups, just a full week for you to try us for Free to see if we are the right fit for you.
Ready to take the next steps?

Join us to find your inner athlete.
Things you might like to know
What’s a Workout involve?
Weights for strength and power
Walking to sprinting for endurance, speed, and metabolic change
Stretching for flexibility
Skills for coordination, balance and precision
Games for fun and a little laughter in every workout
Workouts for all adult ages and skill levels
If the program is fun, the workouts are engaging, and the friendships are good, it’s easy to be successful.
Average TF membership is 10+ years, average gym membership is under 10 weeks.
Over 20,000 daily workouts in the past 30 years, but no two the same. Lots of variety
Our coed membership ranges from 30+ year old to 80+ year old
Beginners to more advanced athletes work out on the same teams getting fit and having fun.
Morning workouts boost metabolism and improve energy all day, as well as make consistency, accountability, and self-discipline much easier to achieve.
We count success day by day over decades and members expect to be able to be fit for the next 20-50 years well into their 80’s and beyond.
Classes are held at multiple times between 2 convenient locations. Please check the schedule to find the appropriate class times offered.
Arrillaga Gym - 600 Alma St, Menlo Park
Blach Jr HS Gym - 1120 Covington Rd, Los Altos
Current Schedule
Menlo Park - Arrillaga Gym
Coed – 1 hour classes
Monday - Friday
6:15am – 7:15am
7:30am – 8:30am
7:30am – 8:30am
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
6:30am – 7:30am
Los Altos - Blach Gym
Coed – 1 hour classes
Tuesday and Thursday
6:00am – 7:00am
7:00am – 8:00am
Basketball (Taking Sign-ups)
6:00am – 7:00am
Online Classes - Zoom Classes
Live - Wednesday
Recorded workouts are available upon request.